A new version of Live Update was released in July 2006. This new Live Update version of Live Update has been enhanced and incorporated into the TriForce XP main system.
Updates are fully automatic and help keep your TriForce XP up-to-date at all times.
Live Update can be invoked from any Internet capable Windows workstation or Remote Desktop Connections.
Key Features of New Version
- Under menu point Support/Live Update.
- It is quicker and easier to use than past versions.
- Simple and effective user security controls
- Automated logon and security verification to the TriForce XP website.
- Opens Internet Explorer on the TriForce XP Version News page.
- Downloading and applying update can be done at different times.
- Verification of active users.
- Ability to shutdown logged users.
- TriForce XP is automatically restarted after Apply.
- Replaces existing Startup and Live Update.
- Replaces manual download and applying procedures.
- No setup installation required.
- No Internet cookies are used.
- No need to download Live Update separately.
- New versions of Live Update are automatically available with version updates.
- Automatic prompt for data backups during the install process.
Important feature: TriForce XP Administrators can easily use Live Update from a remote Windows Terminal Services or Citrix sessions. Unlike the old Live Update, we no longer rely on a local installation of Live Update on individual workstations; therefore there is no dependency on the workstation registry. TriForce XP handles all files and dependencies as Live Update is now server centric.
Built-in security with TriForce XP performs serial number, Annual Software Contract validity checking, and related account status checks. All details of your log-in, attempted downloads and successful downloads will be logged by our server exactly as they have been since 1995. This keeps us informed of your exact status for support purposes.
Live Update is a single click of the mouse: once started, it will first show your running version and the newest version available from the TriForce XP web-site. Click Download to obtain the newest version; click Apply to extract the newly downloaded version and automatically restart the newly updated version of TriForce.
For convenience, the download and apply processes can be done at separate times. Download in the morning and apply the new version after all users have left for the day.
If TriForce XP is in use, you will be notified that the update can not be applied at that time, and to try again later. As in the past, if an update is in progress, all users will be blocked from accessing TriForce XP with a message that an update is in progress.